

A bit of history.........

Archeological findings show us that man has been making drums for about 8,000 years, and prior to that, they most likely beat out rhythms on fallen trees and large rocks.

We drum to communicate, meditate, to journey. We drum to ground ourselves. We use it in healing rituals and sacred ceremonies. But more often than not, we drum because we love it.

In North America we typically associate the history of drumming to the Native Americans, but we must remember that every culture across the world has used drumming.

One of the earliest recorded appearance of drums made from Alligator skins was in and China around 5500 BC.

In 1000-500 BC drums were used in Africa as a form of communication across long distances.

In the years 200-150 BC African drums were widespread in Greece and Rome.

And around 1200 AD the Mediterranean trading routes brought the drums of Africa, Asia and the Middle East to Europe.

Drumming and making drums is a part of who we are as our ancestors from every part of the world were drummers.

In recent years, many of us have  embraced the ways of of our ancestors by using  natural concepts of healing, as well as the practice of ancient ceremonies to heal ourselves, each other and the planet we live on.

This has created a resurgence of interest in drums and rattles as well as gongs and other ancient instruments.






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